Monday, May 31, 2010

Just Some Updates About Life

Well right now I am totally bored. I should be working on English, but I really don't feel like it, but then again when do I ever. I don't know why I'm posting this today, I guess it's just to let everyone know I'm still alive and well...uh....well...nothing else really. I'm just bored and have nothign better to do. I really wish I had my own laptop, I'm using my dad's right now because I don't want to work in the computer room, and I love laptop keyboards. We do have a really old laptop that is more than like 6 years old, and my dad might be able to fix it, maybe not the sound but at least it's better than nothing. It's also really heavy but I guess I'll just lug it around. Well that's pretty much it, just letting you guys know that I didn't fall off a cliff to my doom.

Seriously don't try jumping off a cliff,

Friday, May 28, 2010

Rants About Exams + Summatives

Ugh! Since it's the end of the year I guess my English teacher likes to pile a bunch of work on us now. Right now I have 2 journals and a picture + a paragraph about the picture due on Tuesday, the journals are almost like essays. Then I have to write a blog as me begin one of the characters from A Midsummer Night's Dream, it's not too hard but it's annoying. Then after that I have to make a magazine at least like 15 pages or a giant newspaper the size of 4 bristol boards (the boards are pages) and THEN I get to write an essay for the exam! YAYS!

Then I also have Science, but it's not too bad, and I guess I'm not too worried because my teacher has to fit like 5 units from the whole year in one hour, so that's not going to be difficult. Though I still dislike and hate science, it's just not my forte, but I do enjoy astronomy.

I CAN'T WAIT FOR MY ART SUMMATIVE!!! I'm happy because we get to make a comic, and if you're my parents of my friends then you know I love to draw anime and manga, also I love to write stories. One bad thing about it is that I have to somehow incorporate art history. As in Roman, Egyptian, Paleolithic (cavemen), or the Renaissance. AND I REFUSE TO DO THE CLICHE THING OF GOING BACK INTO TIME!

And Gym... well... we play capture the flag... nothing really much. Though it is a lot of fun because we're aloud to go into the river. Which means that I am so going to put the flag underwater. LOL

Make sure you study even though it sucks,

Monday, May 24, 2010

Eh. Tiring Weekend

Well this weekend was fun, but SUPER tiring. On Saturday I went to my friend Nicole's Birthday, it was a sleepover so I went to bet at like 2 AM. Then after that on Sunday I went to my friend Gabi's house until like 8PM ans I went to bed at like 11PM. And today I have to do ALL my homework due tomorrow, actually it's not much but I have a ton of English due this week and next week. 

I have to write a formalist criticism, reader's response, draw a picture + paragraph, of a book I read; The Alchemist. It was a good book and all but it's SOO much! 

Then I have to make a blog of a character from Midsummer Night's Dream, which will be BORING! 

Then I have a summative where I have to make a magazine or newspaper including all the stuff I learned throughout the year, including all the boring and useless books we read! YAYS! 

And finally I have exams! YAY! I have Science and English. Apparently though Science is really easy because you have to fit a whole year in one hour, so it's short. But then my English is writing and essay for 2 WHOLE HOURS! WHAT FUN!!

Well, I always like to put things simply... School sucks! Yep as easy as that, and you know what if you like school, please do tell me why because I would LOVE to hear it.

Have fun doing crap at school,

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Welcome! Starting Off

Okay well this blog to you if very random, and really you may get bored of reading it. And right now I might just be writing to no one but hopefully later I'll get some people reading. I had another blog that I started 4 years ago but about after 2 years in I just kind of forgot about it and well gave up... but it still exists, too much work was put into it to give up now. The reason I'm starting a new blog is because I want to start fresh! This blog will just probably about things that happen daily, some not so interesting things, and some maybe interesting things.

Some little things about me, well I'm in high school this year, Grade 9 is almost done, I can't believe it. With semesters it seems longer, and next year I'll be in grade 10; it's a little scary. My name if you haven't guessed it Starri. Well I love to draw and I love manga, and anime too. My drawings are mostly in anime style. I have a website where I post these pictures and check daily: I'll post some of those pictures on here too, but if you want to know first and get them right away go there.

One last things for any readers out there. I'll try to update as much as possible hopefully if I remember twice a week. But don't be surprised if I update like after 2 weeks. If you any of you readers want me to write more because I probably will forget feel free to e-mail me at: I check my e-mail often.

Later Guys,