Friday, May 28, 2010

Rants About Exams + Summatives

Ugh! Since it's the end of the year I guess my English teacher likes to pile a bunch of work on us now. Right now I have 2 journals and a picture + a paragraph about the picture due on Tuesday, the journals are almost like essays. Then I have to write a blog as me begin one of the characters from A Midsummer Night's Dream, it's not too hard but it's annoying. Then after that I have to make a magazine at least like 15 pages or a giant newspaper the size of 4 bristol boards (the boards are pages) and THEN I get to write an essay for the exam! YAYS!

Then I also have Science, but it's not too bad, and I guess I'm not too worried because my teacher has to fit like 5 units from the whole year in one hour, so that's not going to be difficult. Though I still dislike and hate science, it's just not my forte, but I do enjoy astronomy.

I CAN'T WAIT FOR MY ART SUMMATIVE!!! I'm happy because we get to make a comic, and if you're my parents of my friends then you know I love to draw anime and manga, also I love to write stories. One bad thing about it is that I have to somehow incorporate art history. As in Roman, Egyptian, Paleolithic (cavemen), or the Renaissance. AND I REFUSE TO DO THE CLICHE THING OF GOING BACK INTO TIME!

And Gym... well... we play capture the flag... nothing really much. Though it is a lot of fun because we're aloud to go into the river. Which means that I am so going to put the flag underwater. LOL

Make sure you study even though it sucks,