Monday, May 31, 2010

Just Some Updates About Life

Well right now I am totally bored. I should be working on English, but I really don't feel like it, but then again when do I ever. I don't know why I'm posting this today, I guess it's just to let everyone know I'm still alive and well...uh....well...nothing else really. I'm just bored and have nothign better to do. I really wish I had my own laptop, I'm using my dad's right now because I don't want to work in the computer room, and I love laptop keyboards. We do have a really old laptop that is more than like 6 years old, and my dad might be able to fix it, maybe not the sound but at least it's better than nothing. It's also really heavy but I guess I'll just lug it around. Well that's pretty much it, just letting you guys know that I didn't fall off a cliff to my doom.

Seriously don't try jumping off a cliff,