Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer is Approaching!

Well it's finally June and soon summer will be here. But if you live in Canada like me (I don't know about the rest of the world) you've realized that it feels like summer is already here. It's nice and warm, and I'd love to go to the beach. But sadly I have to stay in school, do summatives, and study for exams.

I finished my gym summative, I just need to do this interview thing. Today we started our science summative. Tomorrow we start our English summative, and I'vealready started my Art summative. (Just some random updates there)

I think I may post my fanfiction on here. It's Naruto for those of you who know about it.

Okay now I'm just typign random sentences that come to mind because I don't feel liek actually doing my English. XD

It's really hot in the computer lab...

My friends are so smart... I feel stupid

I'm not weird everyone else is just too normal!

If you cry, I cry
If you're happy, I'm happy
If you're sad, I'm sad
If you fall, I crack up!

Don't laugh when your freind falls down, instead help them up then let go!