Sunday, June 27, 2010


Well everyone! I am happy to tell you all that I AM FREE! Exams are over and now I get to whatever I want to! I just need to check my marks on Tuesday, and then I'm good! WOOT!!!! I'm so happy!!!

I think I did pretty well on my exams. So hopefully I got good!

Today's post is going to be short because there really sin't anything I feel like writing about at the moment. Maybe I'll write some more today!!

Feel the freedom,

Friday, June 11, 2010

Hurt my Knee... FAIL

I hurt my knee in the most FAIL way evah! I fell. I tripped actually. To be exact I tripped over something. That something my friends was a vacuum... Yes while carrying a stupid heavy office chair I tripped over a vacuum. I stumbled trying to catch my balance which of course didn't work, it never does. Then I fell, hitting my knee on the bottom of the vacuum head. Then falling forward into the room I was in front of. And so then the chair decides to hit my knee and foot then hit my side on roll on top of me... Yep... so... the reason it hurts to walk up the stair is because... I tripped over a vacuum.... FAIL. EPIC FAILURE! 

Watch out for those vacuums because they're watching you,

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer is Approaching!

Well it's finally June and soon summer will be here. But if you live in Canada like me (I don't know about the rest of the world) you've realized that it feels like summer is already here. It's nice and warm, and I'd love to go to the beach. But sadly I have to stay in school, do summatives, and study for exams.

I finished my gym summative, I just need to do this interview thing. Today we started our science summative. Tomorrow we start our English summative, and I'vealready started my Art summative. (Just some random updates there)

I think I may post my fanfiction on here. It's Naruto for those of you who know about it.

Okay now I'm just typign random sentences that come to mind because I don't feel liek actually doing my English. XD

It's really hot in the computer lab...

My friends are so smart... I feel stupid

I'm not weird everyone else is just too normal!

If you cry, I cry
If you're happy, I'm happy
If you're sad, I'm sad
If you fall, I crack up!

Don't laugh when your freind falls down, instead help them up then let go!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Just Some Updates About Life

Well right now I am totally bored. I should be working on English, but I really don't feel like it, but then again when do I ever. I don't know why I'm posting this today, I guess it's just to let everyone know I'm still alive and well...uh....well...nothing else really. I'm just bored and have nothign better to do. I really wish I had my own laptop, I'm using my dad's right now because I don't want to work in the computer room, and I love laptop keyboards. We do have a really old laptop that is more than like 6 years old, and my dad might be able to fix it, maybe not the sound but at least it's better than nothing. It's also really heavy but I guess I'll just lug it around. Well that's pretty much it, just letting you guys know that I didn't fall off a cliff to my doom.

Seriously don't try jumping off a cliff,

Friday, May 28, 2010

Rants About Exams + Summatives

Ugh! Since it's the end of the year I guess my English teacher likes to pile a bunch of work on us now. Right now I have 2 journals and a picture + a paragraph about the picture due on Tuesday, the journals are almost like essays. Then I have to write a blog as me begin one of the characters from A Midsummer Night's Dream, it's not too hard but it's annoying. Then after that I have to make a magazine at least like 15 pages or a giant newspaper the size of 4 bristol boards (the boards are pages) and THEN I get to write an essay for the exam! YAYS!

Then I also have Science, but it's not too bad, and I guess I'm not too worried because my teacher has to fit like 5 units from the whole year in one hour, so that's not going to be difficult. Though I still dislike and hate science, it's just not my forte, but I do enjoy astronomy.

I CAN'T WAIT FOR MY ART SUMMATIVE!!! I'm happy because we get to make a comic, and if you're my parents of my friends then you know I love to draw anime and manga, also I love to write stories. One bad thing about it is that I have to somehow incorporate art history. As in Roman, Egyptian, Paleolithic (cavemen), or the Renaissance. AND I REFUSE TO DO THE CLICHE THING OF GOING BACK INTO TIME!

And Gym... well... we play capture the flag... nothing really much. Though it is a lot of fun because we're aloud to go into the river. Which means that I am so going to put the flag underwater. LOL

Make sure you study even though it sucks,